


Matthew 19:14

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 19:14

cpcKids Sundays and Wednesday activities and programs, along with numerous events, and an amazing annual Vacation Bible School excite, disciple, and teach children to follow Christ; to love and give to others and to become servant-leaders at church, home, school, and community.

VBS 2025
June 2-6 9am-12pm

Sundays at cpcKids

9:00 AM Service
Nursery & Toddler | Play and Worship
3's & 4's | Group Dig In Series
Kindergarten - 4th Grade | Group Dig In Series
5th - 6th Grade | Worship Center

10:30 AM Service
Nursery & Toddler | Play and Worship
3's & 4's | Group Dig In Series
Kindergarten - 4th Grade | Group Dig In Series
5th - 6th Grade | Pre-Teen Curriculum: Forged

Trail Life - Troop 1263

Do  your kids to discover adventure, make friends, learn new skills, and develop Christian character? Trail Life USA are the premier Christ-centered character, leadership, and adventure organizations for boys. We share a passion for creating safe and active opportunities in a Christ-centered environment to equip the next generation for Christian service.  Join us Monday's at 6:00 PM during normal school year.


Wednesdays at 6:00 PM -7:30 PM
3 Years Old through 6th Grade.  Children must be 3 by September 1st to enroll for the program.

We are building a strong foundation for kids spiritual and discipleship growth. AWANA is a program specifically for kids ages 3 - 6th grade to learn God’s Word.

Childcare is available for 2 years and under.

American Heritage Girls - Troop 3560

American Heritage Girls Troop 3560. The AHG Program is dedicated to the mission of building women of integrity through service to God, family, community and country. AHG girls across the nation and the globe participate in badge programs, service projects, leadership opportunities, and outdoor experiences, all with an emphasis on Christian values and family involvement.