Join our senior adults (M&M) for our weekly Bible study every Tuesday morning at 10AM. We also meet for a great time of fellowship at our monthly luncheon which is usually held on the 1st or 2nd Thursday each month. During the luncheon, we break bread together, enjoy conversations, play games, or have a guest singer or speaker. It’s intended to be a relaxed atmosphere of enjoyment.
In addition to the regular Bible study and lunches, this group often takes day trips to local restaurants, theaters, and other enjoyable venues typically within 1-2 hours of the church campus.
If you would like more information about the M&M Ministry, email Pastor Vince at
In addition to the regular Bible study and lunches, this group often takes day trips to local restaurants, theaters, and other enjoyable venues typically within 1-2 hours of the church campus.
If you would like more information about the M&M Ministry, email Pastor Vince at